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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 15(3); 1997 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1997;15(3): 251-254.
Radiotherapy of Invasive Cervical Cancer Following Simple Hysterectomy
Gyuyoung Chai, Yongho Kim
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Gyeonsang Institute of Cancer Research, College of Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Taegu, Korea.
Simple hysterectomy is not a standard surgery for invasive cervical carcinoma. This study was performed to investigate the efficacy of radiotherapy following simple hysterectomy in the invasive cervical cancer.
Retrospective analysis was done for 19 patients with invasive cervical carcinoma who were treated with radiotherapy following simple hysterectomy from April 1989 to December 1993. The median age of patients was 47 years old. Patients were treated with external beam radiation therapy alone (17) or external beam radiation therapy plus intra vaginal ovoid irradiation (2). The median follow up period was 46 months.
The 4 year overall survival rate was 75%. The 4 year local control rate was 89%. Two patients had recurred at the locoregional and distant sites, and another two patients at distant sites.
We confirmed that radiotherapy is the adequate treatment modality for patients with invasive cervical cancer who underwent simple hysterectomy.
Key Words: Radiotherapy, Simple hysterectomy, Uterine cervical cancer
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