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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 10(2); 1992 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1992;10(2): 181-186.
Results of Radiation Therapy in Early Glottic Cancer
Sung Ja Ahn, Woong Ki Chung, Taek Keun Nam, Byung Sik Nah
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwang-ju, Korea.
A retrospective analysis was undertaken for 22 patients with early glottic cancer (T1N0M0;17, T2N0M0;5) who completed curative radiotherapy at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Chonnam University Hospital between November 1985 and December 1990. Median follow-up period was 39 months. The 3 year actuarial survival rate of T1,T2 was 81% and 80%, respectively. Three patients(13%) shewed second malignant tumors and the site of the new primary was esophagus in two patients and lung in the other one. They were excluded from the local control analysis. The local control rate of T1,T2 group was 66% and 50%, respectively. The surgical salvage rate and the ultimate local control rate of T1 group was 80%(4/5) and 93%, and that of T2 group was 100%(2/2) and 75%, respectively. The local control rates of T1 stage were evaluated according to the various parameters. The local control rate of the superficial and exophytic lesion was better than that of the ulcerative and infiltrative one, and the involvement of anterior commissure was not seemed to be adverse prognostic factor. But the protracted treatment time showed the adverse effect on the local control of the disease. All of the eleven patients controlled by primary radiation therapy have maintained their voice well without any significant complication.
Key Words: Early glottic cancer, Radiotherapy, Local control
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