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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 17(2); 1999 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 1999;17(2): 141-145.
Granisetron in the Treatment of Radiotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting
Seong Eon Hong, Jino Kang
Department of Radiation Oncology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
Granisetron is a potent, the most selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist and is reported to be effective in treatment of radiation-induced emesis. The antiemetic efficacy and safety of oral granisteron was evaluated in patients with receiving highly emetogenic treatment by conventional fractionated irradiation. MATERIAL AND
Patients with various cancers who were being treated with irradiation were accrued into the present study. The intensity of nausea was evaluated on first 24 hours and on day-7 by patients according to the degree of interference with normal daily life as followings; a) none; b) present but no interference with normal daily life (mild); c) interference with normal daily life (moderate); and d) bedridden because of nausea (severe). Non or mild state was considered to indicate successful treatment. The efficacy of antiemetic treatment was graded as follows; a) complete response; no vomiting, no worse than mild nausea and receive no rescue antiemetic therapy over the 24h period, b) major response; either one episode of vomiting or moderate/severe nausea or had received rescue medication over 24h period, or any combination of these, c) minor response; two to four episodes of vomiting over the 24h period, regardless of nausea and rescue medication, d) failure; more than four medication. The score of the most sympto m was recorded and the total score over 24 hours was summarized. The complete or major response was considered to indicate successful treatment.
A total of 10 patients were enrolled into this study, and all were assessable for efficacy analysis. Total nausea control was achieved in 90% (9/10:none=60% plus mild=30%) of total patients after 7 days. The cotrol of vomiting by granisteron was noted in seven patients (70%) of complete response and three (30%) of major response with a hundred-percent successful treatment over 7 days. The minor response or treatment failure were not observed. No significant adverse events or toxicities from granisetron were recorded in patient receiving granisetron.
We concluded that granisetron is a highly effective antiemetic agent in controlling radiotherapy-induced nausea or vomiting with a minimal toxicity profile.
Key Words: Radiotherapy, Emesis, Granisetron
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