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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 17(1); 1999 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 1999;17(1): 65-69.
The Combined Effect of Fast Neutron and hyperthermia according to the Sequence and Interval in MKN-45 Cells
Woo Yoon Park, S R Ryu, C G Cho
1Department of Therapeutic Radioiogy and Oncology, Chungbuk National University, College of Medicine, Cheongju, Korea.
2Department of Therapeutic Radioiogy and Oncology, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
It has been well established that response of cells and tissues to low LET radiations(X- or grmma-ray) can enhanced by comdining with hyperthermia. However, There has been relatively little of hyperthermia on the possible modification of either cellular or tissue responses to other types of radiation. So, We investigated the combined effect of fast neutron irradiation and hyperthermia according to the sequence and time interval of the two
In MKN-45 cells, a human stomach cancer cell line, Surviving fractions were measured according to the sequence treatment of 6,4,2,0 hour interval for fast neutron irradiation(1.5Gy) combined with hyperthermia(41 degrees C for 30 min or 43 degrees C for 30 min).
D(0) and n of MKN-45 for neutron were 0.8Gy and 2.5, respectively. The surviving fraction by 1.5 Gy of neutron was 0.36+/-0.34. Interacting powers were mostly. The surviving fraction by 1.5 Gy of neutron was 0.36+/-0.34. Interacting powers were mostly ranged between 1 and 2, bur they were 3.0Gy 2.7, respectively for hyperthermia (41 degrees C for 30 min) followed by neutron irradiation 6 and 4 hours later.
The combined effect of fast neutron (1.5Gy) and hyperthermia (41 degrees C or 43 degrees C for 30min) is largely independently additive. Preceding mild hyperthermia (41 degrees C for 30 min) 4 or 6 hours before neutron may cause decreased sensitivity to subsequent neutron irradiation.
Key Words: MKN-45, Fast neutron, Hyperthermia, Sequence, interval
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