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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 24(2); 2006 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2006;24(2): 138-143.
Evaluation of the Long-Term Stability for the Cylindrical Ionization Chambers
Jeong Eun Rah, Ju Young Hong, Gwe Ya Kim, Chun il Lim, Hee Kyo Jeong, Dong Oh Shin, Tea Suk Suh
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea. suhsanta@catholic.ac.kr
2Radiation Standards Division, Korea Food & Drug Administration, Korea.
3Department of Radiation Oncology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
To analyze the long-term stability of Farmer-type cylindrical ionization chambers by calibration factor provided from the KFDA (Korea Food Drug Administration)
The cylindrical ionization chambers used in this study were the PTW 30001 (30006), 30013, 30002, 30004, 23333, the Capintec PR06C, the NE 2571, the Exradin A12 and the Wellhofer FC65G (IC70). We were analyzed that the N(k) and N(D,W) calibration factor for the cylindrical chambers and compared between the measured N(D,W) and calculated N(D,W) calibration factor.
We have observed that the long-term stability of the PTW 30013 (30006), the Wellhofer FC65G (IC70) and the NE 2571 has varied within 0.2%. The measured N(D,W) calibration factor was about 1.0% higher than the calculated N(D,W) that determined by the N(k) calibration factor.
The study has evaluated that the long-term stability of the cylindrical chambers through analysis for the Nk and N(D,W) calibration factor. It has contributed to the improvement of clinical electron dosimetry in radiotherapy centers.
Key Words: Nk calibration factor, ND, W calibration factor, Farmer type cylindrical chamber, Long-term stability
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